Creating Video For Your Business
Creating video for marketing purposes is nothing new. Although introducing drone shots can take your video to the next level. If you have a drone, or access to one make sure to review your local laws, then start filming! Even if it’s just a wide shot of your store front, drone footage can improve your video’s look and feel more than you think. Keep reading to discover some tips for taking drone footage.Cinematography Tips

- Tilt Down Reveal
- While moving the drone backwards, tilt the camera down to reveal what it is you want to reveal.
- The Tracking Shot
- If your video involves moving parts, follow the subject with the drone. Either on a horizontal or vertical plane.
- Bird’s Eye View
- This shot is very unique, tilt the drone’s camera down so it is looking straight at the ground, great for b-roll, or setting the scene of your next shot.
- Flying Low
- Often we get a drone, and fly as high as we can. Not in this shot. Flying low and straight can create a perspective where things are moving fast. If you have a fast car to show off, following it lower can make it look like it’s moving faster.
- The Crane
- This shot is where you lower the drone down, but tilt the camera up at the same time. This shot may look like something out of a Hollywood film if done right.
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